Pic tHis KiNd

Pic tHis KiNd

Senin, Januari 31, 2011


Just becoz of having a nice chat with a man.. why makes me feel like I'm cheating on you.
Oh No.. this isn't a good things to think..
This kind of me really feel ashamed having this kind of feeling..
Okay.. get lost U evil, from my mind.. just get lost.

Kamis, Januari 20, 2011

Welcome Drink

Woke up at 7,15 this morning.. so Quite.. I thought U've gone for work without having permission coz of U're still angry.
But when I look at my side.. HAIAH! I saw U still sleeping there beside my babies. I woke U immediately.. then I also woke up suddenly, made U a slice of margarine bread, and a glass warm tea.

The anger coz of I didn't make U welcome drink.. WEEEI! even I don't make ur welcome drink everyday, I make that sometimes.. I don't think U have to be angry just becoz of that..
I've ever asking U.. if U really want me to make U welcome drink everyday, and you said 'NO'. So what's the matter with U for being angry coz didn't get a welcome drink last night..??

Well so sorry for always argue with everything u said.. sorry for being ignoring U sometimes *or maybe 'always'*... I didn't really mean to do that.. *swear*
I'm not that perfect, I also tired with the whole day I've passed, taking care two active babies wasn't that easy to bear..

So sorry for always make u uncomfortable, so sorry can't be yet a good wife for U.. but I'll try my best..
Just need U to be stronger for facing this kind of me..

Rabu, Januari 12, 2011

Again!.. Headache coz of Final Test

The final test is taking home, but not yet I start, my head getting so dizzy..
don't know from where to start,or what to write...
this HR task, may be I'll write bout my hubby Job. About how he stand in his position now, but doesn't related to his title. I mean the responsibility is higher than his title.
Well start to interviewing him from now on...

Selasa, Januari 11, 2011


That's not mention bout date.. that number means that my twin baby, keep wacthing Dvd Cartoon "Pororo" for about 12 hours almost every day.. it has been bout 6 months that's my television full of 'Pororo'..
Sometimes make me bore.. but to see how they laugh at the movie.. make me 'HAPPY'..
make me angry when they wacth it untill late at night.. hikss..

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