Pic tHis KiNd

Pic tHis KiNd

Sabtu, Juni 25, 2011

Many Good Things in This Whole Month

this month..
somethings nice happen to me
first, my relation going much more better with him (my hubby of course!!! who else?)

second, he bought me a very expensive bike.. I love that red bike so much..
tq... tq.. tq... honey...
he spent all this money in his account... *that's bad...
finally to cover his month expense.. he used my money...
soooo... I also run out the money...
lucky!!... my dad gave me 100 euro, then after visiting the money changer... i got that 1,2 rp in my hand.....
abisss juga pas diakhir , gara2 tukang jajan... hiks ( really hates this kind of habits.. loves so much to change this kind of habit)

third,.. I was visiting my ma, my dad house while my hubby had his training at gugels
.... loves this moment *stay a little bit longer at my parents house with my twin babies.

fourth, good news from my hubby office.. he having an opportunity to go to Malaysia.. *for free joining an event * team building from all over asia.. *

see... so many good things happens.. that's not yet with my fam health..
Thank you God for this fantastic month

owh yeah.. tomorrow, he'll have an exam for risk man certificate.
Good Luck... wish God gives U the best..

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